
Optional Add On Services

We can provide blog content relevant to your region. Boost your rankings with our unique blog content, logo and social media design.

Blog Content Service

Search Engine Optimization

Clients have always asked about Search Engine Optimization. When we reply to their questions, we assure them that everything that we do in building their website is done with SEO in mind. Even with what we do behind the scenes, new and relevant content on the website is essential to SEO success. Given the relatively static nature of accounting and bookkeeping content for the services you provide, it can be challenging to keep your website interesting and relevant to your visitors and clients.

To help you do that, we are pleased to supply the blog on your site. It is a quick way where you can add new content to your site by merely writing a paragraph or two about something that would be of interest to your clients that you saw online, in the newspaper or on TV. When search engines see the change, they place more importance on the website than a site that hasn't changed.

The Problemblogcontent

What we find is that whenever we mention using a blog to our clients, they have a tendency to say, "I don't have time," or "I don't do that," or "my clients don't do that."

We understand the reluctance to use something that one might not be familiar with and that business is busy. These factors can lead to most not being able to work the blog into their routine.  

The Solution

In response to a steady wave of inquiries, we are launching a blog posting service to help your website gain an advantage over others. We have had many requests for this recently, so we have created an add-on to our service to provide relevant blog entries on your website. We will create and post the content to your website and let you know when it has been added.  If you have social media pages like LinkedIn and Twitter, we will connect the blog posts and have them flow through.

What we offer:

  • Two to three blog posts to your site per month
  • Relevant accounting and bookkeeping topics relating to Canadian practices
  • News from both the CRA and government sources in your region to keep your clients informed
  • Other topics that will be of interest to your clients

As a result of increased content activity on your site, search engines should find your site more relevant to other sites where content does not .

People who go to the web, such as your clients, use social media and seek information from various services. Your website can be one of those destinations.


Logo Design Service

logodesignsvcIf you don't have a logo or are looking for something new for your website, we can help. A logo provides your business with an identity. Your logo does this by attracting your target audience and making you stand out from your competitors. Make an impression on your potential customers from the beginning. Once your logo is developed, we can modify it for multiple purposes, such as business cards, letterhead and other marketing materials.

What we offer:

  • Logo Design for your website
  • Company branding
  • Business card design
  • Letterhead



Social Media Cover Design Servicesocialmediaicons

A social media presence is as important as your website. We can design your social media cover in conjunction with your website. A great visual look on your social media profiles can attract potential customers to your main website. Let your social media cover make your brand stand out among your competition.

What we offer:

  • Social Media Cover for your existing business social media account
  • Company Video or photos 
  • Social Media business page setup




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